
What Are The Common Travel Mistakes You Need to Know

Ready to travel? Let’s go! But first, a quick reminder to swerve those common travel mistakes. Plan ahead, stay savvy, and enjoy a hassle-free trip! 

Share this with that spontaneous friend who packs at the last minute or the meticulous planner in your life. No matter your travel style, some helpful tips never hurt!

Common Travel Mistakes To Avoid

1. Overpacking

One of the most common travelling mistakes is overpacking. We all want to be prepared for every eventuality but, more often than not, we end up bringing things we never use. To avoid this mistake, make a list of everything you think you’ll need and then edit it down. Be ruthless! Only pack the essentials and you’ll thank yourself later.

➡️Find out what you should pack with these travel app here.

2. Not Checking for Travel Advisories 

Another common mistake is not checking for travel advisories before booking a trip. Depending on where you’re travelling, there may be certain safety concerns you need to be aware of. Make sure to check for the travel advisory for that particular destination in advance so that you can have a safe and enjoyable trip.

3. Not Buying Travel Insurance

Many people forego travel insurance in an effort to save money but this is a big mistake! If something goes wrong on your trip, travel insurance will save you a lot of money and hassle in the long run. Whether it’s lost luggage or an injury, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

➡️ Get instant quote for your travel insurance here.

4. Relying On Only One Map

Relying on only one map is also a mistake as you might not have a signal on your phone or the map might not work properly in certain areas. It’s always good to have a physical map and an offline map for backup.

➡️ Best offline map to have on your trip here.

5. Not Bringing Cash

Not bringing cash is also a mistake, especially in certain countries (Mexico, Cuba, Morocco, just to name a few) where cards are not commonly accepted. Even if you’re travelling to places where cards are widely accepted, it’s always good to have enough cash to last you for a few days in case of an emergency and remember to always keep it in a safe place. 

➡️ Order and collect your currencies before your flight at the airport here.

6. Not Budgeting Properly

One of the biggest mistakes travellers make is not budgeting properly for their trip. Before you go anywhere, sit down and work out exactly how much money you’ll need for accommodation, food, activities, etc. Then, make sure you stick to your budget! It’s easy to overspend when you’re on vacation but if you plan ahead, you’ll be able to avoid this mistake.

7. Not Learning Some Key Phrases

If you’re travelling to a country where English is not the first language, make an effort to learn some key phrases in the local language. This will go a long way in helping you navigate your way around and make new friends! Even if you only know a few basic phrases, it will be appreciated by the locals.

8. Forgetting to Check Your Mobile Plan 

Avoid hefty roaming charges by checking your mobile plan ahead of your trip. If you don’t have connectivity or a travel sim card when you’re travelling, you run the risk of not being able to connect with your family or friends in case of an emergency. This can be a major problem if you find yourself in a situation where you need help but can’t get in touch with anyone. Additionally, not having a travel sim card can also be expensive as you’ll likely have to pay for roaming charges if you use your regular cell phone plan abroad. To avoid these issues, make sure to get a travel sim card or eSim before your next trip!

➡️ Find out what are the different options to help you stay connected here.

9. Not Having the Correct Visa

It’s been a while since you’ve last travelled no thanks to the pandemic. Many countries have also been updating their border rules and not having the correct visa when travelling to another country can be a major problem as you may be denied entry. Additionally, if you’re caught without the proper visa, you may be subject to heavy fines or even jail time. So before you travel to another country, make sure that you have the correct visa for your trip!

10. Not Having a Basic First-Aid Kit

If you’re travelling to a place where you’re not familiar with the local medical facilities, it’s always a good idea to bring a basic first-aid kit with you. This should include items like bandages, antiseptic cream, and painkillers.

11. Forgetting to Check the Weather Forecast

One of the most common travelling mistakes is failing to check the weather forecast before your trip. This can be a major problem as you may not be prepared for the local weather conditions and could end up being very uncomfortable during your stay. To avoid this, make sure to always check the weather forecast before you book your trip! That way, you can plan accordingly and pack the appropriate clothing for your destination.

12. Not Being Mindful of the Local Culture and Taboos 

If you’re travelling to a place with a different culture than your own, it’s important to do some research on the local customs and taboos before your trip. This will help you avoid offending anyone and ensure that you have a respectful and enjoyable trip. So before you travel, make sure to brush up on the local culture!

Avoiding these common travel mistakes will help ensure that you have a smooth and enjoyable trip. So be sure to keep these things in mind before you book your next adventure! Safe travels!

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