
Exploring Tokyo Tower – An Iconic Landmark of Tokyo

When you think of Tokyo, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Chances are, it’s the iconic Tokyo Tower. This imposing structure can be seen from many parts of the city, and it’s one of the most popular attractions in Japan. Read on to find out why Tokyo Tower is worth a visit if this is your first trip to Tokyo.

Tokyo Tower is a communications and observation tower located in Shiba Park, Minato, Japan. The tower was originally built in 1958 and has been remodeled several times.

What To Do At Tokyo Tower

Enjoy 360 View from the Observation Deck 

Standing 333 meters tall, it might seem like there isn’t much to do at Tokyo Tower other than admire its beauty from below. But don’t be fooled! There are actually lots of activities to keep visitors occupied for hours. First up is the Main Observation Deck. Here, you will get an incredible view of the city from 150 meters high – perfect for snapping some awesome photos! The Main Observation Deck also houses a souvenir shop and a cafe where you can grab some snacks or buy a few mementos before heading back down to ground level.

View from the observation deck.

Pray at Tokyo’s Highest Shrine

The second floor of the observation deck houses the “highest” shrine in all of Tokyo – Tower Daijingu. Constructed back in 1977, the shrine has since become a popular destination for students hoping to pray for success and high grades.

Shop, Dine and Play at Foot Town (Base of Tokyo Tower)

If you are intending to have lunch or dinner here, then head to Foot Town at the base of the tower. This 5-story complex contains shops and restaurants as well as an aquarium and playground – great fun for kids and adults alike!

As one of Japan’s most iconic landmarks, visiting Tokyo Tower should definitely be on your list when travelling to this amazing city!

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Address: 4 Chome-2-8 Shibakoen, Minato, Tokyo 105-0011

Closest stations: Akabanebashi, Kamiyacho, Onarimon, Daimon

Operating Hours (Open year-round): Main Deck (150m) 9:00-23:00 (Last admission 22:30), Top Deck Tour (150m&250m) 9:00-22:45 (Last Tour 22:00-22:15)

Admission Fee:

[su_button url=”,-Japan/Things-to-do-in-Japan/40?productName=Tokyo%20Tower%20Observatory%20Admission%20Ticket,%20Japan&productId=40″ target=”blank” style=”soft” background=”#8b3fc0″ size=”4″ radius=”round” icon=”icon: hand-o-right”]👉 Get tickets to Tokyo Tower Observatory![/su_button]

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