Palau is a secluded and beautiful archipelago of 340 islands in the Pacific Ocean and starting from November 23, there will be direct flight from Singapore to Palau.
Previously, it was practically impossible for Singaporeans to get to Palau. Travel time was over a day long, with connecting flights that were out of the way and layovers that often took over 12 hours. Tickets can cost anywhere between SGD$1,000 to SGD$6,000. Possible but not practical.
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This new partnership with Palau, Singapore, and Drukair will allow direct flights that are only 5 hours. Until December 20, there will be one flight a week on Thursday. After, two flights every Thursday and Sundays! Flights will depart from Singapore around midnight, and reach Koror Airport at 6.40am while Departure from Koror is at 7.40am and will land in Singapore at 11.30am. Palau is one hour ahead of Singapore.
What to do at this new destination?
Palau is located in the western Pacific Ocean, where waters are clear and blue. This creates amazing diving spots, year round tropical weather, and uniquely Palau cultures and traditions.

Blue Corner
One of the top ten best diving spots in the world, Blue Corner is a drift-diving site with a lot of sharks and schools of fishes! This corner is good all year long, however, best is to dive when there are more currents. The stronger the current, the more fishes appear!
Common sightings are tuna, sharks, and eagle rays! Many Blue Corner alumni claim that they have never seen so many sharks on a single dive before.
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Swim with Jellyfishes!
Palau is home to the world famous jellyfish lake. A lake where you can swim with thousands of jellyfishes. The lack of predators gave the jellyfishes in this lake a special trait, evolving to not have stingers. This lake is safe for swimming, a must go unique experience!
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World War Wreckage Dive
The waters around Palau are littered with wreckages. Palau and the islands of the Pacific were important for the Japanese during World War 2, to protect occupied regions of the Philippines and other countries around them. The waters and the skies above turned into a battlefield, with U.S. destroying many Japanese ships and planes. Some of these wreckages can be found when diving Palau’s islands.

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Stone Monolith From The First Century
The Badrulchau Stone Monoliths are possibly the largest and oldest archaeological site in Palau. Dating back to the first century, 52 stone monoliths, some with crude faces carved into them, can be found on a hillslopes of Babeldoab Island. These are believed to be used as pillars for a traditional Palauan meeting-house called Bai.
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Hospitality, Vibrant Cultures, and Art
Palau is full of traditions, culture, beliefs, and history that you have to go there yourself to witness! From women having traditional authority over land and finances, seafaring experiences, to storytelling told by generations to preserve the cultural heritage. There is a lot to experience in Palau!
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Palau definitely isn’t a quick getaway country, with a week visit averagely costing more than USD$1,000 per week. Many websites and visitors recommend budgeting USD$150 to USD$200 a day. This country is for people who love a slow-paced life, tropical atmosphere, and wet activities. Many visitors who have dived only have praises for Palau, so don’t strike them out too quick!
Overall, the experiences you get from Palau will be worth the price!