
Singaporeans prioritise health and money in 2024, YouGov survey shows

As we embark on the new year of 2024, let’s explore the key new year resolutions that Singaporeans have made this year.

Fresh data from YouGov Surveys reveals that three in five (61%) Singapore residents say they plan to improve their physical health in 2024 – the top New Year resolution – while over half (53%) want to manage their money better this year.

Brands looking to connect with consumers in 2024 should take note of this increased interest for effective wellness solutions and ways to ease financial burdens.

Further, over two in five hope to spend more time with friends/family (45%) and improve their mental health (42%) – ahead of travelling more (27%) and reducing their time on social media and on their phone in general (both 24%).

While Singapore’s top three new year resolutions for 2024 are unchanged from 2023, there is a slight fall in consumers who have set goals to manage their money better (-6%), improve their physical health (-4%) and improve their mental health (-3%).

Across generations, improving physical health is the top new year resolution.

But while better money management is the next most popular goal among Gen Z, Millennials and Gen X, spending more time with friends/family is next most popular among Baby Boomers.

Additionally, compared to other generations, younger consumers (Gen Z and Millennials) are much more likely to list managing their money better, improving their mental health, reducing the amount of time spent on their phones and making more sustainable purchases in 2024 as among their resolutions for this year.

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